Friday, October 15, 2010

To Say it or Not ???

Okay nowadays...

You can text, email, im, facebook message, facebook wall, call, blackberry im....whoa. You get the point. And most of the time if communication is not face to face - some of the message will get lost.

So with new friends, new relationships do you say it or not. When you are frustrated, drunk, scared, emotional .... do you say it or just act like nothing is bothering you???

My opinion. If you feel it. Say it.

But don't say it when you are feeling it.

When you are upset.....write it as a draft. Once you have some space from it, look at it again. Edit it. Make it as concise and truthful as you can. Say it and do it once. Meaning pick one form of communication. And clearly state how you feel. And then let it be. Yes, they got it. If they aren't responding......that's a response enough.

Don't play the games, but make sure you are always clear in what you say you want....
Because you don't always get what you want...but you never know if you don't try.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Okay look.

If you have an expectation of a date, a conversation, a party, a's likely not to be met.

What do I mean? Basically if you have this expectation, you need to share your vision with others or go to work to make it happen. If you let your mind dream and drift away, usually reality cant live up to the vision.

This does not mean do not have high expectations of life. It just means go out there and make them happen instead of sitting back and dreaming about them.