Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rose Colored Glasses

You know the days.
You decide not to look at the world as it really is, ingore all the signs, turn down the warnings, and just proceed with no care in the world.

Well I rarely have them but when I do. Whoa.

I think it's most important we all face reality. You have to. If you don't you'll wake one day asking how did not see all this??? Or you'll wake up to find everyone saw what you didn't and couldn't man up and show you.

If you have REAL friends, they will come to and try to make you take off your rose colored glasses and see the world as it is.

But if you don't want to. You won't. I have many friends that REFUSE to. I still love them, but wonder why they don't want to see the real world? Why they want to have to put on the glasses everyday?

You have one life, so live it as you will.....but I hope it's as magical as it can be without any glasses to make it better.


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